Spring Break Immersion 2019: Wheeling, WV

Hi everyone!!

Spring break for Holy Cross has already been over for two weeks, but I want to take some time to reflect on my first experience with Holy Cross’s Spring Break Immersion Program. As someone who has done service trips in high school- mostly serving my local community- I saw Spring Break Immersion as an opportunity to branch out in terms of what I had always done for service.

One of our two vans we travelled in throughout the week!!

I spent my spring break this year in Wheeling, West Virginia, where me and a group of other Holy Cross students volunteered at a soup kitchen. Some of our responsibilities included serving meals, baking cupcakes for their weekly children’s program, and eating breakfast and lunch with the patrons of the soup kitchen. These experiences reminded me how powerful it is when we share our stories with one another.  

The cathedral in Wheeling where we celebrated Mass!!

While volunteering at the soup kitchen was an important aspect of our week, we also still had time to explore Wheeling!! We went to Mass and Ash Wednesday services at the local cathedral, and ate dinner and spent time with Becky, the Director of the Soup Kitchen, and her family. They took us to a hockey game, as well as to other sites around Wheeling, so we could more fully immerse ourselves in the community.

Group photo from Pittsburgh on our way home!!

The organizers of Spring Break Immersion attempt to place participants in groups with people they do not know as well, which initially made me feel nervous about the trip. However, over the course of the week, both through our work and the other activities we did, we became closer, making this program even more of a positive experience!!

Thanks for reading!!

Rebecca McSweeney

An Update on Academics

Hi everyone!!

Today was the last day of classes before spring break!! This has been a very busy week in classes at Holy Cross; I have had a major assignment in all of my classes over the past few weeks.

In my Montserrat class this semester, we are reading and analyzing Don Quixote. We are currently giving presentations in pairs on secondary sources related to some aspect of the novel. My article is on the relationship between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, the two protagonists of the novel; the presentation is after break.

Me and my friend Liza, who is my partner for the Montserrat presentation!!

In my biology class, we had an exam on evolution last week, and now we are learning about development. In lab this week, we observed the early stages of sea urchin development, which share similarities to human development. It was cool being able to observe the early stages of development!!

My Organic Chemistry class had an exam this week, so I spent a lot of time studying for that this week. My professor offered a lot of office hours, and sent a lot of problems to help us practice for it!! 

A photo of Fenwick I took last week, when it was nice enough to study outside!!

In my Philosophical Inquiries class, we had a paper due last week on one of The Dialogues of Plato. In that class, we mostly discuss the texts we read; so far we have read works by Plato, Peter Singer, Aristotle, and Boethius. I have never taken philosophy before this class, so it has been a challenge to learn how to analyze the text.

I am really looking forward to relaxing, and getting ahead on some work, over spring break this week!!

Thanks for reading!!

Rebecca McSweeney